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recls Namespace Reference


struct  recls_fileinfo_t
 A file-system entry info structure. More...

struct  recls_root
 Structure containing information about a file-system root. More...

struct  recls_strptrs_t
 An asymmetric range representing a sequence of characters (ie a string). More...

struct  recls_strptrsptrs_t
 An asymmetric range representing a sequence of recls_strptrs_t (ie a set of strings). More...

File system functions

size_t Recls_GetRoots (recls_root_t *roots, size_t cRoots)
 Retrieves the file-system roots for the current operating system.

recls_char_t const * Recls_GetPathNameSeparator (void)
 Returns the symbol used to separate distinct path names in path name lists.

recls_char_t const * Recls_GetPathSeparator (void)
 Returns the symbol used to separate the directory parts within paths.

recls_char_t const * Recls_GetWildcardsAll (void)
 Returns the wildcard symbol used to represent the "all files" for the current operating system.

Search control functions

recls_rc_t Recls_Search (recls_char_t const *searchRoot, recls_char_t const *pattern, recls_uint32_t flags, hrecls_t *phSrch)
 Searches a given directory for matching files of the given pattern.

recls_rc_t Recls_SearchProcess (recls_char_t const *searchRoot, recls_char_t const *pattern, recls_uint32_t flags, hrecls_process_fn_t pfn, recls_process_fn_param_t param)
 Searches a given directory for matching files of the given pattern, and processes them according to the given process function.

void Recls_SearchClose (hrecls_t hSrch)
 Closes the given search.

recls_rc_t Recls_Stat (recls_char_t const *path, recls_uint32_t flags, recls_info_t *phEntry)
 Retrieves the information for the given path.

Search enumeration functions

recls_rc_t Recls_GetNext (hrecls_t hSrch)
 Advances the search one position.

recls_rc_t Recls_GetDetails (hrecls_t hSrch, recls_info_t *phEntry)
 Retrieves the information for the current search position.

recls_rc_t Recls_GetNextDetails (hrecls_t hSrch, recls_info_t *phEntry)
 Advances the search one position, and retrieves the information for the new position.

File entry information functions

void Recls_CloseDetails (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Releases the resources associated with an entry info structure.

recls_rc_t Recls_CopyDetails (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_info_t *phEntry)
 Copies an entry info structure.

recls_rc_t Recls_OutstandingDetails (hrecls_t hSrch, recls_uint32_t *count)
 Reports on the number of outstanding (i.e.

Error handling functions

recls_rc_t Recls_GetLastError (hrecls_t hSrch)
 Returns the last error code associated with the given search handle.

size_t Recls_GetErrorString (recls_rc_t rc, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Gets the error string representing the given error.

size_t Recls_GetLastErrorString (hrecls_t hSrch, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Gets the error string representing the current error associated with the given search handle.

Property elicitation functions

size_t Recls_GetPathProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the full path of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetDirectoryProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the directory of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetDirectoryPathProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the directory and drive of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetUNCDriveProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the UNC drive property of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetFileProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the file (filename + extension) of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetShortFileProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the short version of the file of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetFileNameProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the filename (not including extension, if any) of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetFileExtProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves the file extension of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

size_t Recls_GetDirectoryPartProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, int part, recls_char_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Retrieves a directory part of the given entry recls_fileinfo_t.

recls_bool_t Recls_IsFileReadOnly (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns non-zero if the file entry is read-only.

recls_bool_t Recls_IsFileDirectory (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns non-zero if the file entry represents a directory.

recls_bool_t Recls_IsFileLink (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns non-zero if the file entry represents a link.

recls_bool_t Recls_IsFileUNC (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns non-zero if the file entry's path is UNC.

void Recls_GetSizeProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_filesize_t *size)
 Acquires the size of the file entry.

recls_time_t Recls_GetCreationTime (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns the time the file was created.

recls_time_t Recls_GetModificationTime (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns the time the file was last modified.

recls_time_t Recls_GetLastAccessTime (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns the time the file was last accessed.

recls_time_t Recls_GetLastStatusChangeTime (recls_info_t hEntry)
 Returns the time the file status was last changed.

Extended API functions

recls_bool_t Recls_IsDirectoryEmpty (recls_char_t const *dir)
recls_bool_t Recls_IsDirectoryEntryEmpty (recls_info_t hEntry)
recls_filesize_t Recls_CalcDirectorySize (recls_char_t const *dir)
recls_filesize_t Recls_CalcDirectoryEntrySize (recls_info_t hEntry)

Search control functions

recls_rc_t Recls_SearchFtp (recls_char_t const *host, recls_char_t const *username, recls_char_t const *password, recls_char_t const *searchRoot, recls_char_t const *pattern, recls_uint32_t flags, hrecls_t *phSrch)
 Searches a given directory for matching files of the given pattern.

Property elicitation functions

void Recls_GetDriveProperty (recls_info_t hEntry, recls_char_t *pchDrive)
 Gets the drive associated with the given file entry info structure.


typedef recls_sint32_t recls_rc_t
 The type of return codes issued by the API functions.

typedef hrecls_t_ const * hrecls_t
 The handle to a recursive search operation.

typedef recls::recls_root recls_root_t
 Structure containing information about a file-system root.

typedef recls_fileinfo_t const * recls_info_t
 Opaque type representing a file-system entry information.

typedef void * recls_process_fn_param_t
 Opaque type representing a user-defined parameter to the process function.

typedef int(* hrecls_process_fn_t )(recls_info_t hEntry, recls_process_fn_param_t param)
 User-supplied process function, used by Recls_SearchProcess().

typedef recls_info_t info_t
typedef recls_process_fn_param_t process_fn_param_t
typedef unsigned int recls_bool_t
typedef recls_sint8_t sint8_t
typedef recls_uint8_t uint8_t
typedef recls_sint16_t sint16_t
typedef recls_uint16_t uint16_t
typedef recls_sint32_t sint32_t
typedef recls_uint32_t uint32_t
typedef recls_sint64_t sint64_t
typedef recls_uint64_t uint64_t
typedef recls_bool_t bool_t
typedef unsigned __int8 recls_byte_t
typedef signed __int8 recls_sint8_t
typedef unsigned __int8 recls_uint8_t
typedef signed __int16 recls_sint16_t
typedef unsigned __int16 recls_uint16_t
typedef signed __int32 recls_sint32_t
typedef unsigned __int32 recls_uint32_t
typedef signed __int64 recls_sint64_t
typedef unsigned __int64 recls_uint64_t
typedef char recls_char_a_t
typedef wchar_t recls_char_w_t
typedef recls_char_a_t recls_char_t
 The recls library ambient character type.


enum  RECLS_FLAG {
  RECLS_F_FILES = 0x00000001,
  RECLS_F_DIRECTORIES = 0x00000002,
  RECLS_F_LINKS = 0x00000004,
  RECLS_F_DEVICES = 0x00000008,
  RECLS_F_RECURSIVE = 0x00010000,
  RECLS_F_NO_FOLLOW_LINKS = 0x00020000,
  RECLS_F_DETAILS_LATER = 0x00080000,
  RECLS_F_PASSIVE_FTP = 0x00100000
 Search flags. More...


const recls_rc_t RECLS_RC_OK (0)
 General success code.

const recls_rc_t RECLS_RC_FAIL (-1)
 General failure code.

bool RECLS_FAILED (recls_rc_t const &rc)
 Returns non-zero if the given return code indicates failure.

bool RECLS_SUCCEEDED (recls_rc_t const &rc)
 Returns non-zero if the given return code indicates success.


typedef< platform-dependent-type > recls_time_t
typedef< platform-dependent-type > recls_filesize_t

Typedef Documentation

typedef recls_bool_t bool_t

typedef int( * hrecls_process_fn_t)(recls_info_t hEntry, recls_process_fn_param_t param)

User-supplied process function, used by Recls_SearchProcess().

hEntry  entry info structure
param  the parameter passed to Recls_SearchProcess()
A status to indicate whether to continue or cancel the processing
Return values:
0  cancel the processing
non-0  continue the processing

typedef struct hrecls_t_ const* hrecls_t

The handle to a recursive search operation.

typedef recls_info_t info_t

typedef recls_process_fn_param_t process_fn_param_t

typedef unsigned int recls_bool_t

typedef unsigned char recls_byte_t

typedef char recls_char_a_t

typedef recls_char_a_t recls_char_t

The recls library ambient character type.

typedef wchar_t recls_char_w_t

typedef struct recls_fileinfo_t const* recls_info_t

Opaque type representing a file-system entry information.

typedef void* recls_process_fn_param_t

Opaque type representing a user-defined parameter to the process function.

typedef recls_sint32_t recls_rc_t

The type of return codes issued by the API functions.

typedef struct recls::recls_root recls_root_t

Structure containing information about a file-system root.

typedef signed short recls_sint16_t

typedef signed long recls_sint32_t

typedef signed __int64 recls_sint64_t

typedef signed char recls_sint8_t

typedef unsigned short recls_uint16_t

typedef unsigned long recls_uint32_t

typedef unsigned __int64 recls_uint64_t

typedef unsigned char recls_uint8_t

typedef recls_sint16_t sint16_t

typedef recls_sint32_t sint32_t

typedef recls_sint64_t sint64_t

typedef recls_sint8_t sint8_t

typedef recls_uint16_t uint16_t

typedef recls_uint32_t uint32_t

typedef recls_uint64_t uint64_t

typedef recls_uint8_t uint8_t

Function Documentation

bool RECLS_FAILED recls_rc_t const &    rc [inline]

Returns non-zero if the given return code indicates failure.

const recls_rc_t RECLS_RC_FAIL   1

General failure code.

const recls_rc_t RECLS_RC_OK  

General success code.

bool RECLS_SUCCEEDED recls_rc_t const &    rc [inline]

Returns non-zero if the given return code indicates success.

Variable Documentation

typedef<platform-dependent-type> recls_filesize_t

typedef<platform-dependent-type> recls_time_t

recls Library documentation © Synesis Software Pty Ltd, 2001-2005