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Version 1.0.1 contains two test programs.
directory is a test program C_Win32.c that exercises the recls C API (for Win32)test/Cpp_Win32
directory is a test program Cpp_Win32.cpp that exercises the recls C++ mapping (for Win32)This function uses the raw recls C API functions, implementing a recursive search for a given pattern, from a given directory
/* * File: C_Win32.c * * Purpose: Implementation file for the C_Win32 project. * * Created: 15th August 2003 * Updated: 23rd September 2003 * * Status: Wizard-generated * * License: (Licensed under the Synesis Software Open License) * * Copyright (C) 1999-2003, Synesis Software Pty Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * www: http://www.synesis.com.au/software * * email: software@synesis.com.au * * This source code is placed into the public domain 2003 * by Synesis Software Pty Ltd. There are no restrictions * whatsoever to your use of the software. * * This source code is provided by Synesis Software Pty Ltd "as is" * and any warranties, whether expressed or implied, including, but * not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and * fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event * shall the Synesis Software Pty Ltd be liable for any direct, * indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential * damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of * substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or * business interruption) however caused and on any theory of * liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort * (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of * the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of * such damage. * * Neither the name of Synesis Software Pty Ltd nor the names of * any subdivisions, employees or agents of Synesis Software Pty * Ltd, nor the names of any other contributors to this software * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * */ /* Remove this definition to use platform-specific aspects of the API */ #define RECLS_PURE_API #include <stdio.h> #include "recls.h" #include "recls_assert.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER # include <crtdbg.h> #endif /* _MSC_VER */ /* * Macros */ #ifndef NUM_ELEMENTS # define NUM_ELEMENTS(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) #endif /* !NUM_ELEMENTS */ /* * Forward declarations */ void usage(int bExit); /* * Main */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int iRet = 0; int i; char const *pattern = NULL; char const *rootDir = NULL; hrecls_t hSrch; recls_rc_t rc; recls_uint32_t flags = RECLS_F_RECURSIVE; for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if(arg[0] == '-') { if(arg[1] == '-') { /* -- arguments */ } else { /* - arguments */ switch(arg[1]) { case 'R': /* Do not recurse */ flags &= ~(RECLS_F_RECURSIVE); break; default: usage(1); break; } } } else { /* other arguments */ if(NULL == pattern) { pattern = arg; } else if(NULL == rootDir) { rootDir = arg; } else { usage(1); } } } if(NULL == pattern) { #if defined(RECLS_PLATFORM_IS_WIN32) pattern = "*.*"; #else pattern = "*"; #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_IS_WIN32 */ } if(NULL == rootDir) { rootDir = "."; } /* Initiate the search. */ rc = Recls_Search(rootDir, pattern, flags, &hSrch); if(RECLS_FAILED(rc)) { char err[100]; Recls_GetErrorString(rc, err, 100); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start search, with pattern \"%s\"; recls error: %s\n", pattern, err); } else { /* Iterate through the items, until done */ do { recls_info_t info; rc = Recls_GetDetails(hSrch, &info); if(RECLS_FAILED(rc)) { if(rc != RECLS_RC_NO_MORE_DATA) { char err[100]; Recls_GetErrorString(rc, err, 100); fprintf(stderr, "Search terminated prematurely; recls error: %s\n", err); } break; } else { int i; int off; int extLen; int cDirParts; char path[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; #ifdef RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 char drive; #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ char dir[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; char file[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; char fileName[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; char fileExt[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; char pathCheck[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; char dirCheck[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; char fileCheck[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; pathCheck[0] = '\0'; dirCheck[0] = '\0'; fileCheck[0] = '\0'; #ifdef _DEBUG { recls_uint32_t cBlocks; Recls_OutstandingDetails(hSrch, &cBlocks); printf("\n%d outstanding blocks\n", cBlocks); } #endif /* _DEBUG */ Recls_GetPathProperty(info, path, NUM_ELEMENTS(path)); printf(" %s\n", path); #ifdef RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 Recls_GetDriveProperty(info, &drive); printf(" %c\n", drive); sprintf(pathCheck, "%c:", drive); #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ Recls_GetDirectoryProperty(info, dir, NUM_ELEMENTS(dir)); printf(" %s\n", dir); for(i = 0, off = 0, cDirParts = Recls_GetDirectoryPartProperty(info, -1, NULL, 0); i < cDirParts; ++i) { char dirPart[RECLS_PATH_MAX]; off += Recls_GetDirectoryPartProperty(info, i, dirPart, NUM_ELEMENTS(dirPart)); printf(" %*s\n", off, dirPart); strcat(pathCheck, dirPart); strcat(dirCheck, dirPart); } off += Recls_GetFileProperty(info, file, NUM_ELEMENTS(file)); Recls_GetFileNameProperty(info, fileName, NUM_ELEMENTS(fileName)); extLen = Recls_GetFileExtProperty(info, fileExt, NUM_ELEMENTS(fileExt)); printf(" %*s\n", off, file); printf(" %*s\n", off - (1 + extLen), fileName); printf(" %*s\n", off, fileExt); strcpy(fileCheck, fileName); if(0 < extLen) { strcat(fileCheck, "."); strcat(fileCheck, fileExt); } strcat(pathCheck, file); /* Now validate the components */ #ifdef RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 recls_assert(0 == strcmp(path, pathCheck)); if(0 != strcmp(path, pathCheck)) #else /* ? RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ recls_assert(0 == strcmp(path + 2, pathCheck)); if(0 != strcmp(path + 2, pathCheck)) #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ { fprintf(stderr, "Path is different from path components\n\tpath: %s\n\tparts: %s\n\n", path, pathCheck); abort(); } recls_assert(0 == strcmp(dir, dirCheck)); if(0 != strcmp(dir, dirCheck)) { fprintf(stderr, "Directory is different from directory components\n\tpath: %s\n\tparts: %s\n\n", dir, dirCheck); abort(); } recls_assert(0 == strcmp(file, fileCheck)); if(0 != strcmp(file, fileCheck)) { fprintf(stderr, "File is different from file components\n\tpath: %s\n\tparts: %s\n\n", file, fileCheck); abort(); } if(Recls_IsFileReadOnly(info)) { printf(" - Read-only\n"); } if(Recls_IsFileDirectory(info)) { printf(" - Directory\n"); } if(Recls_IsFileLink(info)) { printf(" - Link\n"); } Recls_CloseDetails(info); } } while(RECLS_SUCCEEDED(rc = Recls_GetNext(hSrch))); Recls_SearchClose(hSrch); } #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Check that there are no leaks */ _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif /* _MSC_VER */ return iRet; } /* * Function implementations */ void usage(int bExit) { fprintf(stderr, "recls C Test Program: C_Win32.exe\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Cpp_Win32 [-R] [<pattern>] [<root-dir>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-R - does not recurse. (recursive search is the default)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t<pattern> - search pattern, e.g. \"*.cpp\" (default is to search for all files)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t<root-dir> - root directory of search; default is current working directory\n"); if(bExit) { exit(1); } } /* * End of file */
This function uses the recls C++ mapping classes, implementing a recursive search for a given pattern, from a given directory
/* * File: Cpp_Win32.cpp * * Purpose: Implementation file for the Cpp_Win32 project. * * Created: 16th August 2003 * Updated: 23rd September 2003 * * Status: Wizard-generated * * License: (Licensed under the Synesis Software Open License) * * Copyright (C) 1999-2003, Synesis Software Pty Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * www: http://www.synesis.com.au/software * * email: software@synesis.com.au * * This source code is placed into the public domain 2003 * by Synesis Software Pty Ltd. There are no restrictions * whatsoever to your use of the software. * * This source code is provided by Synesis Software Pty Ltd "as is" * and any warranties, whether expressed or implied, including, but * not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and * fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event * shall the Synesis Software Pty Ltd be liable for any direct, * indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential * damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of * substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or * business interruption) however caused and on any theory of * liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort * (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of * the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of * such damage. * * Neither the name of Synesis Software Pty Ltd nor the names of * any subdivisions, employees or agents of Synesis Software Pty * Ltd, nor the names of any other contributors to this software * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * */ /* Define this definition to retrict use to platform-independent aspects of the API */ //#define RECLS_PURE_API // Define this to copy file entries into a vector, to exercise the copy semantics //#define TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR #include <stdio.h> #include <recls.h> #if defined(RECLS_STRICT) && \ !defined(RECLS_COMPILER_IS_DMC) # include <stlsoft_nulldef.h> #endif /* RECLS_STRICT && !RECLS_COMPILER_IS_DMC */ #include <reclspp.h> #include <reclspp_filesearch.h> #include <recls_assert.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER # include <crtdbg.h> #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #ifdef TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR # include <vector> # if defined(RECLS_COMPILER_IS_DMC) typedef vector<reclspp::FileEntry> fileentries_t; # else typedef std::vector<reclspp::FileEntry> fileentries_t; # endif /* RECLS_COMPILER_IS_DMC */ #endif /* TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR */ /* * Macros */ #ifndef NUM_ELEMENTS # define NUM_ELEMENTS(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) #endif /* !NUM_ELEMENTS */ /* * Namespace */ using recls::recls_uint32_t; using recls::RECLS_F_RECURSIVE; /* * Forward declarations */ void usage(int bExit); /* * Main */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int iRet = 0; int i; char const *pattern = NULL; char const *rootDir = NULL; recls_uint32_t flags = RECLS_F_RECURSIVE; for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if(arg[0] == '-') { if(arg[1] == '-') { /* -- arguments */ } else { /* - arguments */ switch(arg[1]) { case 'R': /* Do not recurse */ flags &= ~(RECLS_F_RECURSIVE); break; default: usage(1); break; } } } else { /* other arguments */ if(NULL == pattern) { pattern = arg; } else if(NULL == rootDir) { rootDir = arg; } else { usage(1); } } } if(NULL == pattern) { #if defined(RECLS_PLATFORM_IS_WIN32) pattern = "*.*"; #else pattern = "*"; #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_IS_WIN32 */ } if(NULL == rootDir) { rootDir = "."; } { // Enter scope here, so vector (if used) will be cleared before mem-leak test reclspp::FileSearch search(rootDir, pattern, RECLS_F_RECURSIVE); #ifdef TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR fileentries_t entries; #endif /* TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR */ for(; search.HasMoreElements(); search.GetNext()) { using reclspp::string_t; reclspp::FileEntry fileEntry = search.GetCurrentEntry(); #ifdef RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 char drive = fileEntry.GetDrive(); #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ string_t path = fileEntry.GetPath(); string_t dir = fileEntry.GetDirectory(); reclspp::DirectoryParts dirParts = fileEntry.GetDirectoryParts(); string_t file = fileEntry.GetFile(); string_t fileName = fileEntry.GetFileName(); string_t fileExt = fileEntry.GetFileExt(); string_t pathCheck; string_t dirCheck; string_t fileCheck; #ifdef TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR entries.push_back(fileEntry); #endif /* TAKE_COPIES_IN_VECTOR */ #ifdef _DEBUG { recls_uint32_t cBlocks = search.GetNumOutstandingDetails(); printf("\n%d outstanding block(s)\n", cBlocks); } #endif /* _DEBUG */ printf(" %s\n", path.c_str()); #ifdef RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 printf(" %c\n", drive); pathCheck += drive; pathCheck += ':'; #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ printf(" %s\n", dir.c_str()); int i; int off; int cDirParts; for(i = 0, off = 0, cDirParts = dirParts.size(); i < cDirParts; ++i) { string_t dirPart = dirParts[i]; off += dirPart.length(); printf(" %*s\n", off, dirPart.c_str()); pathCheck += dirPart; dirCheck += dirPart; } off += file.length(); printf(" %*s\n", off, file.c_str()); printf(" %*s\n", off - (1 + fileExt.length()), fileName.c_str()); printf(" %*s\n", off, fileExt.c_str()); fileCheck = fileName; if(0 < fileExt.length()) { fileCheck += '.'; fileCheck += fileExt; } pathCheck += file; // Now validate the components #ifdef RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 recls_assert(path == pathCheck); if(path != pathCheck) #else /* ? RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ recls_assert(0 == strcmp(path.c_str() + 2, pathCheck.c_str())); if(0 != strcmp(path.c_str() + 2, pathCheck.c_str())) #endif /* RECLS_PLATFORM_API_WIN32 */ { fprintf(stderr, "Path is different from path components\n\tpath: %s\n\tparts: %s\n\n", path.c_str(), pathCheck.c_str()); abort(); } recls_assert(dir == dirCheck); if(dir != dirCheck) { fprintf(stderr, "Directory is different from directory components\n\tpath: %s\n\tparts: %s\n\n", dir.c_str(), dirCheck.c_str()); abort(); } recls_assert(file == fileCheck); if(file != fileCheck) { fprintf(stderr, "File is different from file components\n\tpath: %s\n\tparts: %s\n\n", file.c_str(), fileCheck.c_str()); abort(); } if(fileEntry.IsReadOnly()) { printf(" - Read-only\n"); } if(fileEntry.IsDirectory()) { printf(" - Directory\n"); } if(fileEntry.IsLink()) { printf(" - Link\n"); } } } #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Check that there are no leaks */ _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif /* _MSC_VER */ return iRet; } /* * Function implementations */ void usage(int bExit) { fprintf(stderr, "recls C++ Test Program: Cpp_Win32.exe\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Cpp_Win32 [-R] [<pattern>] [<root-dir>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-R - does not recurse; recursive search is the default\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t<pattern> - search pattern, e.g. \"*.cpp\"; default is to search for all files\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t<root-dir> - root directory of search; default is current working directory\n"); if(bExit) { exit(1); } } /* * End of file */
recls Library documentation © Synesis Software Pty Ltd, 2001-2003 |