These tools are primarily used for helping administrators, power users and ordinary users in
querying and manipulating their systems. They're also of help to software engineers, including
environment settings reporting/diagnosis and powerful file searching.
They are provided with no warranty of any kind, and are to be used entirely at your own risk.
Due to the level of abuse of the mailing list by system mail-spammers, the mailing list
has been abandoned, and a group created at Google Groups:
Copies the input from the command-line, or from a pipe command, or from a redirected file,
onto the Windows clipboard
Synesis Software Clipboard Pipe Tool, v1.1.2.0005
USAGE 1: <program> | clipboard
<program> - Any program that writes to standard output
Pipes the output of <program> to the clipboard
USAGE 2: clipboard
Enters an interactive mode, in which everything typed will be
placed on the clipboard. This mode is left by executing Ctrl-Z
followed by a carriage return (the Enter key)
USAGE 3: clipboard -?
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This command is used to create (usually (very) large) files for use in system testing. The Win32
version is capable of creating files whose size is multiple GB, limited only by the current
capacity of the operating system. The contents of the files are not initialised, and will contain
whatever a newly created file on a given operating system is initialised with.
Synesis Software Large File Creator Tool, v1.0.2.0003
USAGE: crfile [{-v | -s}] <file-name> {<size>}
-v - verbose output. Prints time, attributes, size and path. (default)
-s - succinct output. Prints path only
<file-name> - the file to be created
<size> - the size of the file to be created; defaults to 1KB
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This command does a frequency.
Synesis Software Directory Info Tool, v1.0.1.0001
USAGE 1: dirinfo [-f | -n | -z] [<directory>]
-f - sort results by frequency
-n - sort results by extension name
-z - sort results by size
<directory> - the directory to search. Defaults to current directory
Examines all files in the directory, and its sub-directories,
and reports the frequency and sizes, per file extension
USAGE 2: dirinfo -?
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This command can be used to delete all the files matching a search specification in the
current subdirectory, or any subdirectories. You can specify a different set of search
directories, or can instruct it to process from the root directories of all drives on
the system. You can instruct it to override the read-only status of files.
Synesis Software Disk Clearance Tool, v1.3.1.0009
USAGE 1: dskclear [{-w | -p<root-paths> | -h}] [-u] [-d] [{-v | -s}] [-hidden] [-system] <search-spec>
-w - searches from the current working directory. The default
-p<root-paths> - searches from the given root path(s), separated by ';',
-r - deletes readonly files
-h - searches from the roots of all drives on the system
-hidden - deletes hidden files
-d - displays the path(s) searched
-u - do not act recursively
-v - verbose output. Prints time, attributes, size and path. (default)
-s - succinct output. Prints path only
-system - deletes system files
<search-spec> - one or more file search specifications, separated by ';',
Deletes files according to the specified options
USAGE 2: dskclear -?
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This program can be used to invoke programs and documents, and can control the given window's appearance,
either maximising or minimising, or setting the window title. It can also be used to invoke the program
or document after a given interval
Synesis Software Exec Utility v1.5.1.0013
USAGE: exec [-p<pause>] [-e] [-s] [-x] [-h] [-t<title>] <cmd>
<pause> is number of seconds to pause (>0)
<cmd> is the program, or shortcut, to execute
e specifies that the command is executed as if from the shell, i.e. does not have to be a process. Cannot be specified with -s
s specifies that the command is assumed to be an executable program (the default behaviour). Cannot be specified with -e
n specifies that the command window (if any) is minimised
x specifies that the command window (if any) is maximised
h specifies that the command window (if any) is hidden
t sets the window title to the given text <title>
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This program is be used to invoke programs and documents. It reads lines from stdin, and attempts to
open/execute each according to the presence of -e or -s.
Synesis Software Exec Utility Tool, v1.0.1.0002
USAGE 1: <program> | execc [-s | -e]
<program> - Any program that writes to standard output
-e - Command-line(s) are treated as shell document(s)
-s - Command-line(s) are treated as executable program(s); the default
Opens/executes all the outputted lines of <program>
USAGE 2: execc [-p<pause>] [-s | -e]
Enters an interactive mode, in which everything typed will be
opened/executed. This mode is left by executing Ctrl-Z
followed by a carriage return (the Enter key)
USAGE 3: execc -?
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This tool executes a system reboot, system shutdown or user logoff
Usage: exitwin [-r/s/l]
r - reboot
s - shutdown
l - logoff
Create one or more hard links, which are the Windows equivalent to UNIX links. Only operating systems in the
Windows NT family from Windows 2000 and above support them. You specify a source file or wildcards, and link(s)
to it/them are made in the destination directory. If no destination is specified, the local directory is assumed.
Note: The way links are made in Win32 is to the file blocks, not to the names. This means that if you
make a hard link and then subsequently save one or the other paths of the link, and your editor overwrites saved
files rather than opening the existing file for writing - which most do - then the link will be broken, and you'll
have two independent files again. One will contain the original contents prior to the save, and the other will
contain the new contents. This can be quite confounding, and renders the Win32 links as usable only for files that
will not change.
Synesis Software Hard-link Creation Tool, v2.1.2.0010
USAGE 1: hardlink <src-spec> [<link-dest>]
<src-spec> - the source, either a single file, or wildcards
<link-dest> - destination file, or directory. Current
directory assumed if not specified
Creates hard link(s) from the <src-spec> to the <link-dest>
USAGE 2: hardlink -?
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This tool can be used to copy a file or set of files from a source location to a destination,
or to the current directory if the destination is not specified. It can create destination
paths that do not exist, freshen destination files (i.e. only copy files that have changed),
overwrite readonly flags, and preserve existing destination flags and timestamps.
Synesis Software Intelligent copy Tool, v2.1.2.0028
USAGE 1: intcopy [-?foOpldsxv] <source> [<dest>]
? - displays usage
f - only copies if source is newer than destination
o - overwrites destination, if present
O - overwrites destination, if present, even if read-only
p - creates destination path (including directory) if doesn't exist
l - preserves destination flags
d - preserves destination date (ignored if f specified)
s - silent mode
v - verbose mode
x - only copies if destination exists (implies o)
<source> - source file(s)
<dest> - destination file/path; defaults to current directory
USAGE 2: intcopy -?
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Provides the ability to find item(s) in the file-system of an FTP site. Can specify wildcards and multiple search sequences.
whereis / *.htm;*.html - searches for all files ending in .htm or .html in the root directory and its subdirectories.
Synesis Software File Searching Tool, v1.0.3.0003
incorporating Digital Mars technology
USAGE 1: whereis <host> [-n<username>] [-p<password>] [{-w | -r<root-paths> | -i | -l | -e<env-var> | -h}] [-d] [{-v | -s}] [-f | -F | | -t | -T] [<root-paths>] <search-spec>
-n<username> - specifies the username with which to log onto the host;
defaults to "anonymous"
-p<password> - specifies the password to use
-d - displays the path(s) searched
-f - shows the filename and extension only
-F - shows the full path; (default)
-h - searches from the roots of all drives on the system
-r<root-paths> - searches from the given root path(s), separated by ';',
-h - searches from the roots of all drives on the system
-R - suppresses recursive search
-s - succinct output. Prints path only
-u - recursive search. (Default except for environment variable searches.)
-v - verbose output. Prints time, attributes, size and path. (default)
-w - searches from the current working directory
<search-spec> - one or more file search specifications, separated by ';',
USAGE 2: whereis -?
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This command joins N lines from the input file, and writes the resultant combined set of lines to the
output file. If output file is not specified, standard output is used. If input file is not specified,
standard input is used.
Synesis Software Line Splicing Tool, v1.3.2.0009
USAGE 1: joinln <N> [-s<sep>] [<input>] [<output>]
N - the number of lines to join. Can be *, to join all lines
<input> - input file, or to stdout if not specified
<output> - output file, or to stdout if not specified
-s<sep> - insert the separator <sep> between joined lines
--pre=<pre> - insert the prefix <pre> at the beginning of each line before further processing
--post=<post> - insert the postfix <post> at the end of each line before further processing
USAGE 2: joinln -?
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This command removes any duplicate from the input file, and writes the resultant set of lines to the
output file. If output file is not specified, standard output is used. If input file is not specified,
standard input is used. You may also request that a summary of each occurence is provided.
Synesis Software Duplicate Line Trimming Tool, v1.1.2.0004
USAGE 1: lnunique [-c] [<input>] [<output>]
-c - displays number of occurrences of each unique line
<input> - input file, or to stdout if not specified
<output> - output file, or to stdout if not specified
USAGE 2: lnunique -?
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This program produces a set of N random numbers between a given range. The default range is 0 and 32767, but
this may be overriden by any numbers, including negative ones, whose span does not exceed 32768. The default
separator is a new-line, but a custom separator may also be specified.
Synesis Software Random Number Generation Tool, v1.1.2.0004
USAGE 1: nrngen [-r] [-n<min>] [-x<max>] [-s<sep>] [-64] <N>
-r - Randomises the seed
-n<min> - specifies the minimum value. Defaults to 0
-x<max> - specifies the maximum value. Defaults to 32767
-s<sep> - number separator. Defaults to newline
-64 - use 64-bit calculations. NOT CURENTLY SUPPORTED.
<N> - the number of random number required
USAGE 2: nrngen -?
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This tool expands the given environment variable(s). You specify one or more environment variables,
and the individual components are displayed in a list. There are several shortcuts for common
variables, such as CLASSPATH, INCLUDE, LIB and PATH. You may also request that invalid items are
marked, or that only invalid items are displayed.
Synesis Software Environment Variable Expansion Tool, v1.4.5.0019
USAGE 1: nvx [-b] [-v] [-x] [-X] [-c] [-i] [-l] [-p] [<env-var1> <env-var2> ... <env-varN> ]
-b - copies all output to the clipboard
-v - verbose output
-x - marks items that do not exist, e.g. "c:\invalid <*>"
-X - shows only items that do not exist
-c - expands the CLASSPATH environment variable
-i - expands the INCLUDE environment variable
-l - expands the LIB environment variable
-p - expands the PATH environment variable (the default)
<env-var...> - expands the named environment variable(s)
USAGE 2: nvx -?
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This tool can be used in batch/command files. You specify a call to osver along with the
identifier of the operating system you wish to test. If the system matches the errorlevel is
set to 1, otherwise it is 0.
Synesis Software Operating System Version Detection Tool, v1.3.2.0013
USAGE 1: osver <x>
<x> is one of 3, 4, 5, 95, 98, XP, ME.
3 = Windows NT 3.x
4 = Windows NT 4.x
5 = Windows NT 5.x (Windows 2000)
XP = Windows XP
95 = Windows 95
98 = Windows 98
ME = Windows ME
Will return 1 if OS is one specified, otherwise 0
USAGE 3: osver -?
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This tool opens a dialog window showing the detailed version information of the given operating system
USAGE: osverw
This command simply outputs a list of any components of the PATH environment variable that do not exist.
Synesis Software Operating System Version Detection Tool, v1.1.2.0004
USAGE 1: osver
Lists all invalid components of the system PATH
environment variable
USAGE 2: osver -?
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This tool is similar to the Windows pause utility, except that it does not operate in a command box. Rather
it is a windowless executable, and you use it by specifying the number of seconds you wish to pause for.
USAGE: pausew <x>
<x> is number of seconds to pause (>0)
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Provides wildcard expansion for Windows command-line operations. (Windows, unlike UNIX, does not
expand wildcards before calling programs/scripts, which means that a Perl script that receives a sequence of file names
on UNIX will simply receive the wildcard string - e.g. *.h - on Windows machines. This can be very annoying.
When installed - by typing "perlp -perlp_install" at the command prompt - perlp perlp intercepts script execution
so that if you type " *.h" it will expand "*.h" before passing to the Perl interpreter. (NOTE: you have to
have a Perl interpreter installed, of course ... ;))
Synesis Software Perl Globbing Tool, v1.4.3.0019
USAGE 1: perlp
USAGE 1: perlp [<perl-switches>] [<perl-programfile>] [<perl-arguments>]
Executes the <perl-programfile> using the underlying Perl command processor
USAGE 2: perlp { -perlp_install | -perlp_uninstall }
-perlp_install - install the perlp preprocessor
-perlp_uninstall - uninstall the perlp preprocessor
(Un)installs perlp
USAGE 3: perlp -?
USAGE 3: perlp -h
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This tool allows you to view, edit, add, delete and move the entries in the Windows NT family
system's pending file operation list. This is the list of pending file moves and deletions that
will be enacted at the time of the next reboot. This tool allows you to inspect and manipulate
that list, which can be very helpful when installations have messed up, or you wish to cancel
them, or you wish to test installation programs.
Synesis Software Pending File Operation Editing Tool, v1.2.4.0009
USAGE 1: pfoped [-{a | d | e | f | l | m}] [<from>] [<to>] [<src>] [<dest>]
a - add an item. Requires <src>. If <dest> is missing, <src> is
marked for deletion
d - delete an item. Requires <from>
e - edit/replace an item. Requires <from> <src> <dest>
f - finds an item in the current pending operations. Requires <src>
l - list the current operations. (Default)
m - move an item. Requires <from> <to>
<from> - an item index (number), eg. 3
<to> - an item index
<src> - an item name (full source path, may have quotes), eg.
"c:\program files\x.txt"
<dest> - an item name (may be blank, in which case <src> is deleted)
USAGE 2: pfoped -?
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Prints out all arguments (except -?). Useful for debugging scripts and makefiles
0 [H:\web\source\SystemTools\win32\prargs.exe]
1 [-?]
This tool allows you to execute a command one or more times, and the kernel, user and elapsed times for
the given command are reported. When the command is to be repeated, you may elect to receive the total
times or the average times, and also whether to drop a number of the highest and a number of the lowest
timings, to avoid non-quiescent conditions.
Synesis Software Process Timing Tool, v1.4.2.0012
USAGE 1: ptime [--o] [--e] [--r<N>] [--a[l[X]][h[X]]] [--u] [--] <command> [<command-args>]
--o - directs command's stdout to NUL device
--e - directs command's stm to NUL device
--r - repeats the command N times
--a - express times for a repeated command as average
l - drops the lowest X (default is 1) from the range
h - drops the highest X (default is 1) from the range
--u - times in microseconds (default is milliseconds)
-- - all subsequent arguments interpreted as target command line
<command> - the program to execute
<command-args> - all the arguments, if any, of the program
USAGE 2: ptime -?
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This tool simply prints the current working directory to standard output
Synesis Software Present Working Directory Reporting Tool, v1.2.2.0006
USAGE 1: pwd [-p]
Prints the current working directory to standard output
-p - copies to clipboard
USAGE 2: pwd -?
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This tool can be used to remove empty sub-directories from the given directory. It works in a
backwards-recursive manner, so that it will remove all directories directories which themselves
contain only empty sub-directories in one go, rather than requiring multiple invocations.
that it
Synesis Software Empty Directory Removal Tool, v1.5.1.0011
USAGE 1: rdempty [-v] [<dir>]
<dir> - root directory in search (defaults to current directory)
-r - removes empty directories marked read-only
-v - prints out names of deleted directories, and total deleted
Removes all empty sub-directories of the given directory
USAGE 2: rdempty -?
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Selects, inclusively or exclusively, non-overlapping ranges of lines in a text
input stream. Ranges are specified as pairs of numbers F-T, where either, but
not both, F (from) or T (to) are optional. Selection can be either inclusive
or exclusive
selectln -i -10 15-20 30- - passes the lines 0-9, 15-19 and 30+ to the output stream.
selectln -x 1-4 20- - passes the lines 5-19 to the output stream.
Synesis Software Line Selector Tool, v1.0.2.0002
USAGE 1: selectln [-i | -x] <range0> [... <rangeN-1>]
-i - selection mode is inclusive: specified
ranges determine which lines are passed to
the output stream; default if none specified
-x - selection mode is exclusive: specified
ranges determine which lines are not passed
to the output stream
<range0> - a range selector; format F-T, where
either, but not both, F (from) or T (to)
may be omitted, e.g. "0-10 -20 30-";
from is inclusive, to is exclusive, i.e.
0-10 includes/excludes lines 0 through 9
Selects, inclusively or exclusively, non-overlapping
ranges of lines in a text input stream
USAGE 2: selectln -?
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This command replaces any forward slashes in lines from the input file with backward slashes, and
writes the resultant combined set of lines to the output file. If output file is not specified,
standard output is used. If input file is not specified, standard input is used.
Synesis Software Slash Swapping Tool, v1.2.3.0010
USAGE 1: slsw [<from>] [<to>]
<from> - the source file to convert. Reads from stdin if not specified
<to> - the results file to receive the conversion. Writes to stdout if not specified
Changes UNIX (forward) slashes in the input to Windows (backward) slashes
and writes it to the output
USAGE 2: slsw -?
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This command executes a given command line, and merges (on a line-by-line basis) the
standard output and error streams of the command.
Synesis Software Stream Flattening Tool, v1.0.1.0003
USAGE 1: stdfilt <command> [<command-args-0> ... <command-args-N>]
<command> - the program to execute
<command-args> - all the arguments, if any, of the program
Executes the given program and causes all its output, whether from
the standard output or the standard error stream, to be directed
to the standard output stream
USAGE 2: stdfilt -?
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This command strips any blank lines lines from the input file, and writes the resultant lines to the
output file. If output file is not specified, standard output is used. If input file is not specified,
standard input is used.
Synesis Software Blank Line Stripping Tool, v1.1.2.0004
USAGE 1: strbl [-?] [<input>] [<output>]
-? - displays help
<input> - input file, or to stdout if not specified
<output> - output file, or to stdout if not specified
Strips the blank lines from the input, and writes the
remainder to the output
USAGE 2: strbl -?
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This tool simply prints the identity of the current user to standard output
Synesis Software User Id Display Tool, v1.0.4.0005
USAGE 1: userid
Prints the current user id
USAGE 2: userid -?
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Synesis Software Win32 Debug Logger Tool, v1.0.1.0001
USAGE 1: w32dblog [-c] [-f <log-file>] [-s [<host>][:<port>]] [-t]
-c - Outputs to the console.
-f <log-file> - Outputs to the given <log-file>, creating it
if it does not exist. Entries are appended
unless the -t option is specified.
-s [<log>][:<port>] - Outputs to the given UDP <host>/<port>. <host>
defaults to the localhost, and <port> defaults
to 514 (the SysLog protocal port).
-t - Truncates the log-file. Ignored if -f not
Captures information emitted to the Win32 system debugger, and emits
it to the console and/or file and/or a SysLog (or other UDP) channel
USAGE 2: w32dblog -?
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Provides the ability to find item(s) in the file-system, either based on the current directory,
a given directory (or directories), or on the system PATH, or INCLUDE, or LIB or any other environment
variable. Can specify wildcards and multiple search sequences.
whereis c:\ *.dll;*.exe - searches for all files ending in .dll or .exe in C:\ and its subdirectories.
whereis -p make.exe;nmake.exe - searches for all instances of make.exe and nmake.exe on the system path.
whereis -i stlsoft_*.h - searches for all .h files beginning with stlsoft_ in the system INCLUDE paths.
whereis -r".;c:\bin" mm*.dll;mm*.exe - searches for all .dll and .exe files beginning with mm in the current directory and c:\bin and their sub-directories.
Synesis Software File Searching Tool, v1.15.1.0059
incorporating Digital Mars technology
USAGE 1: whereis [{-w | -r<root-paths> | -p | -i | -l | -e<env-var> | -h}] [-u] [-d] [-<N>] [{<--dirs> | <--directories>}] | [<--files>] [{-v | -s}] [-f | -F | | -t | -T] [-V] [<root-paths>] <search-spec>
-d - displays the search root path(s)
-e<env-var> - searches in the directories specified in the environment variable <env-var>
-f - shows the filename and extension only
-F - shows the full path; (default)
-h - searches from the roots of all drives on the system
-i - searches in the directories specified in the INCLUDE environment variable
-l - searches in the directories specified in the LIB environment variable
-m - mark directories with a trailing path separator
-n - Prints a total number of files found
-p - searches in the Windows paths (the directories specified in the PATH environment variable)
-r<root-paths> - searches from the given root path(s), separated by ';', e.g.
-R - suppresses recursive search
-s - succinct output. Prints path only
-t - trims path relative to the current directory
-T - trims path relative to the root directory(ies) specified for the search(es)
-u - recursive search. (Default except for environment variable searches.)
-v - verbose output. Prints time, attributes, size and path; (default)
-V - displays the version information, if any, for the file. Suppressed by -s
-w - searches from the current working directory
-x - summarises the file extensions
--dirs - search for directories
--directories - search for directories
--files - search for files; (default if --files and --dir(ectorie)s not specified)
<N> - maximum number of matches to be reported, e.g. -1 returns only the first match
<search-spec> - one or more file search specifications, separated by ';',
USAGE 2: whereis -?
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