SynSoft .NET Libraries (release 3rd July 2003)

SynSoft .NET Libraries

SynSoft is a non-commercial imprint of Synesis Software Pty Ltd, an Australian Software Engineering Consultancy firm. The purpose of SynSoft is to be an outlet for D, Java, .NET, Perl and Python software that has been built by Synesis Software.

All SynSoft software is provided (in source code and/or binary format) to the development community according to the Synesis Software Standard Public License (SSSPL). (Basically, the license requires that users do not claim ownership nor charge for this software, and allows inclusion in any commercial or non-commercial software developments.) No warranties of any kind are provided.

The SynSoft .NET components come in binary assembly form, accompanied by XML documentation files (facilitating Visual Studio.NET Intellisense) and help files (HTML and HTML Help).

Namespaces and Assemblies

The current release of the SynSoft .NET libraries contain the following namespaces and classes.

Namespace Assembly Description
SynSoft.Collections SynSoft.NET.Coll.dll This namespace contains algorithms and classes for representing, managing and manipulating collections of objects
SynSoft.Conversion SynSoft.NET.Conv.dll This namespace contains algorithms and classes for controlling and facilitating conversions between types within the CLR
SynSoft.Performance SynSoft.NET.Perf.dll This namespace contains classes used for measuring performance intervals
SynSoft.Security SynSoft.NET.Perf.dll This namespace contains classes for querying and manipulating Win32 Security information.

Note: Although the first version of this component is available, the online help is not yet available. This will be in place for the next release of the libraries.
SynSoft.Text SynSoft.NET.Text.dll This namespace contains algorithms and classes for representing, managing and manipulating text