recls C# mapping

Search.GetEnumerator Method 

Returns the enumerator with which the given search can be enumerated

[Visual Basic]
MustOverride Public Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator
public abstract IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

Return Value

An IEnumerator for the entire Search.


This method enables a Search instance to be used in a foreach expression, as in:

            Search search = . . .;
            foreach(FileEntry entry in search)
As with the Search constructor, no enumeration is carried out at this time, only when the returned enumerator is used. When the enumerator's MoveNext method is called, it may throw a ReclsException if the search fails, except for the case where the search runs out of data. In this case, the enumerator's MoveNext method returns false.

See Also

Search Class | recls Namespace