recls C# mapping

recls C# mapping

This is the documentation for the C# mapping of recls, a C library (implemented in C & C++) that provides recursive file-system searching

The library is described in my "Positive Integration" column in C/C++ User's Journal.

The purpose of the library is twofold. As well as providing an educational experience for the readers (and the author!) of the CUJ column, it is also intended to be a production-quality library, and it is my hope that it will find use throughout the .NET development community. The license is very open, and allows use in any commercial or non-commercial organisation, without requiring provision of source, or runtime acknowledgements.


All recls software is provided (in source code and/or binary format) to the development community according to the Synesis Software Standard Public License (SSSPL). (Basically, the license requires that users do not claim ownership nor charge for this software, and allows inclusion in any commercial or non-commercial software developments.) No warranties of any kind are provided.


All recls library components are available in source and binary (assembly) form, accompanied by XML documentation files (facilitating Visual Studio.NET Intellisense) and help files (HTML and HTML Help).

The .NET components require that the accompanying unmananged DLL - recls_dll.dll - is installed along with the managed parts of the library.

Namespaces and Assemblies

The current release of the recls C# mapping contain the following namespaces and classes.

Namespace Assembly Description
recls recls.NET.dll This namespace contains the C# mapping of the recls library, in the form of the FileSearch, FileEntry, DirectoryParts and ReclsException classes.


Many thanks are due to Joe Casad & Chuck Allison, the former editorial heads of C/C++ User's Journal, without whose faith in my ability to steward the "Positive Integration" column, the recls project wouldn't exist.

Thanks are also due to the following, who've lent support in one way or another:

Best regards, and good coding

Matthew Wilson

   Director, Synesis Software    (
   STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac    (
   Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal    (
   recls implementor    matthew hat recls dot org